by Carlo Gozzi
Adapted by James Dobner
Presented by the Theatre Program of Bryn Mawr and Haverford Colleges
April 2014
Directed by Aaron Cromie
Scenic and Costume Design by Maiko Matsushima
Mask and Puppet Design by Aaron Cromie
Lighting Design by Jose-Antonio Domenic Chacon
Sound Design by Michael Kiley
Properties Design by Amy Radbill
Technical Direction by Justin McDaniel
Stage Managed by Maya Neville
Photographs by Paola Nogueras
Cast: Graham Barrett, Emma Basen-Engquist, Delia Bloom, Sofi Chavez, Ellen Cohn, Megan Thomson Connor, Amelia Couderc, Camilla Dely, John Dominguez, Kristin Kury, Qi'er Luo, Ilena Pegan, Ryan Rebel, Erica Rice, Bruce Willis
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